South Lake Tahoe 5th grader honored for heroic efforts

A South Lake Tahoe 5th grader was honored Tuesday for his heroic efforts in helping to save a life earlier this year.

Gauge Patterson, who is also a Boy Scout, received the “Citizen’s Life Saving Award” from Mayor Wendy David for using the skills he learned at the “Stop the Bleed” training given by South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue on April 23.

Just a few days after receiving the training, Gauge was getting his hair cut and heard a person stating they had shortness of breath, chest pains and dizziness and he recognized these complaints as issues commonly associated with cardiac arrest from the training he had just completed. He then called 911 and reported the issues and emergency response personnel arrived on scene and where able to assist the person just as they were succumbing to cardiac arrest.

All involved are healthy today.

“This is an incredible lifesaving story and proves that the system works,” said Fire Chief Jeff Meston.

More information on “Stop the Bleed” training is available online at