Input sought on South Lake Tahoe draft Climate Action Plan strategies

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. - The local community is invited to participate in an online survey to give input on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction strategies that have been brainstormed for the City of South Lake Tahoe's Climate Action Plan (CAP).

The City is currently working to develop its first CAP, which will serve as a long-term plan to reduce GHG emissions from community activities as well as prepare for the impacts of climate change. The CAP will include strategies for reducing these emmisions from various community activities organized into sectors, which include transportation, energy, land use, carbon sequestration, water, and solid waste.

There is no one set strategy at this time and they want to ensure the strategies included in the CAP are suitable for and supported by the South Lake Tahoe community. As a result, the City is seeking feedback from the public during the development of the CAP.

Feedback and comments from the City’s public CAP kick-off meeting in December were taken into consideration and integrated into the draft strategies. Continued input from the South Lake Tahoe community through this online survey will be incredibly valuable for the development of the CAP, as robust feedback will help to ensure that this CAP reflects the community and its values.

The survey will close June 26, 2020.

The link to the CAP survey is below.