South Lake Tahoe U-Haul planning big improvements

U-Haul is making changes at its South Lake Tahoe location and they are challenging their neighbors to help make the entrance to the community a more visually pleasing one.

David Pollock, Development Manager for U-Haul, spoke to the South Lake Tahoe City Council on Tuesday morning, telling them of plans for their local store.

They are expanding after recently locating the needed Commercial Floor Area (CFA) to complete their project. They will be adding a a new building and making exterior improvements to both of their existing buildings. U-Haul will also be adding perimeter and internal landscaping and legalizing their entry monument sign to create a new statement along the Hwy 50 corridor.

"We believe that for everyone's future growth, restoration of the built environment is a necessity," said Pollock. "U-Haul believes If we all participate we can restore and unify the visual quality of the community and achieve sustainable business success."

The picture shown in this story is what he passed out at the council meeting. "We hope our application will be accepted by staff soon," added Pollock.