South Tahoe High Homecoming Parade and Game Friday

South Tahoe High has been celebrating Homecoming Week since last Saturday's dance. Each day this week has seen students dressing up according to the day's theme. Monday was Farmers and Agriculture, Tuesday was Beach Bum Day, Wednesday was Hollywood, Thursday was Tacky Tourist and Blue And Gold Day on Friday wraps up the week.

There will be a change in the normal Homecoming Parade routine which is normally on a Saturday morning. This year's parade is Friday, October 10 beginning at 3:30 p.m. The parade will start at South Tahoe Middle School and continue down Lake Tahoe Blvd to the high school.

People can line the westbound parade route at any spot to greet the floats and cars full of students and alumni. Mardi Gras beads will be handed out to spectators.

Each class has a float they've been working on for the last severals days. The freshman's float theme is "farmers," the sophomore's float theme is "beach bum," juniors follow with "Hollywood" with the senior's "cities of California" float.

The floats will also be on display at Friday's evening's Homecoming game against Dayton. The Junior Varsity football game starts after the parade at 4:30 and the Varsity football game at 7:00 with Homecoming Royalty festivities at halftime.