Turf buy-back program returns in 2012

By Sarah Jones / South Tahoe Public Utility District
Turf is one of the most water intensive landscapes and requires substantial maintenance. Non-functional lawns - ones that are rarely used — waste water and represent an ongoing cost in both time and resources for the home and business owner. From an environmental perspective, lawns tend to be over fertilized and over watered. With porous Tahoe soils, this combination can push nutrients intended for the lawn into the watershed where they
eventually make their way into Lake Tahoe. Once there, they provide nutrients for algal growth that can affect the legendary clarity of the Lake.

The Turf Buy-Back Program (TBBP) has been very successful, in 2008-2009 over 120,000 square feet of turf was “bought back.” In 2009 the program was closed due to lack of funding. However, The South Tahoe PUD was recently approved for grant funding to reinstate TBBP, one of our most popular water conservation programs.
Starting in the spring of 2012 TBBP applications will be accepted.
Replace your existing irrigated lawn with Tahoe friendly landscaping and get paid $1.50 per square foot of turf removed! A minimum of 400 square feet of turf must be replaced and your healthy, irrigated lawn must be verified by South Tahoe PUD water conservation staff prior to turf removal. This program is available to all South Tahoe PUD water customers and is first come, first served, terms and conditions apply. Funds are limited so call today to be placed on the waiting list.
For more information contact call (530) 543-6268 or email sjones@stpud.dst.ca.us.