Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Janet McDougall

Bread & Broth’s Monday Meal on October 9, 2017 was sponsored by Janet McDougall in memory of her parents, Mac and Jackie McDougall.

“Mac and Jackie were very hospitable and loved to feed people,” said Janet. “They would love the Bread & Broth program for feeding people’s stomachs and souls.”

Although most people know that B&B provides nutritious dinners for the guests who come to St. Theresa Hall every Monday, the meals also are an important social outlet for those who attend the meals. The dinners bring people together and their casual exchanges over time develop into concern and support for each other and many friendships have evolved.

This social support and healthy food is made possible by the generosity of B&B’s Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsors and volunteers who so willingly give of their time and energy to help and care for the disadvantaged in our community. At Janet’s memorial AAD, her sponsor crew included her brother John McDougall and good friends Flori Curran, Kathy Maston and Donarae Reynolds. This group would certainly make Mac and Jackie proud because they were an outstanding crew who worked really hard and were so kind and warm to the guests. According to Janet, “B&B is an exceptional program and it’s a privilege to be a part of it!”

B&B is so fortunate to have sponsors who are as supportive as Janet.

For more information about Bread & Broth, visit our website www.breadandbroth.org.

- Bread & Broth