Parts of Sierra Tract and Gardner Mountain have highest voter turnout in SLT

Registered voters at Stateline, the Y and Bijou don't normally vote in elections but those living in Montgomery Estates, the Tahoe Keys, Gardner Mountain and parts of Sierra Tract do, according to a new research project at U.C. Davis.

The UC Davis California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP) presents an innovative visualization of political participation in California’s communities. Using geographic information system (GIS) technology, the CCEP has created a new, publicly available interactive web platform that maps the relationship between low voter turnout and the economic, educational and health challenges faced by communities in our state.

The whole state is mapped out on the CCEP website, including South Lake Tahoe and Meyers. The maps shown here are from the 2012 and 2014 elections. Voter turnout between the two years had some similarities, but there appears to be a higher propensity to vote in all neighborhoods in 2012, which was a Presidential election year.

In Sacramento, like the South Shore, choosing whether or not to head to polls on Election Day appears to be largely predicted by neighborhood.

Wealthier parts of the capital city tend to have higher voter turnout than those that struggle socio-economically, UC Davis researcher Mindy Romero told the Sacramento Bee.

The interactive map for the 2014 general election can be found HERE.

The interactive map for the 2012 general election can be found HERE.