Bear Biologist to speak Saturday, Jan. 12 at LTCC

Event Date: 
January 12, 2013 - 10:00am

The American Association of University Women will host a free presentation by the Department of Fish and Game's bear biologist, Mario Klip this Saturday, January 12 at 10 a.m. in the Aspen Room at Lake Tahoe Community College.

Mr. Klip has a background in business and always had a strong affinity for wildlife. After obtaining an MBA and working in high tech for 10 years he started working with wildlife in 2008, and changed careers drastically. After first obtaining his Masters in Biology, Mr. Klip now is a Ph.D student at UC Berkeley and he is now Tahoe's bear biologist focusing on research, aversive conditioning, outreach and education.

His talk hosted by AAUW will cover bear biology and Tahoe Urban/Wild black bears research. Primary focus of the study being the characteristics of their home range, how much time they spent in urban areas and Aversive Conditioning of bears, thus potentially saving local bears from lethal removal.

Mr. Klip will be bringing with him, his trained Karelian Bear Dogs, Villa and Sasha, who are used to help avert bears from populated areas around Lake Tahoe. It should be a very interesting and educational presentation that you will not want to miss with everyone being invited.