David Antonucci to speak on Mark Twain at Dangberg Historic Park
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/02/2017 - 3:02pm
Event Date:
August 12, 2017 - 10:00am Author David C. Antonucci will speak on his book Fairest Picture: Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe at the Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park on Saturday, August 12, at 10:00 am.
In 1861, Samuel Clemens, the man who would become Mark Twain, hiked to Lake Tahoe to stake a claim for a timber ranch. He spent many blissful days on the Lake but carelessly allowed his campfire to escape, creating a spectacular wildfire. He later wrote about his experiences in his 1872 memoir, Roughing It.
Fairest Picture: Mark Twain at Lake Tahoe follows his footsteps from Carson City to the locations where he camped and relaxed at Stateline Point, Tahoe Vista, and Carnelian Bay; the same places that inspired him to declare Lake Tahoe, “the fairest picture the whole earth affords.”
Alpen Sierra Coffee Company will provide complimentary coffee and 88 Cups & More will provide baked treats.
David C. Antonucci is a dynamic presenter who gives entertaining and informative presentations on science and history to environmental groups, news media, conference groups, historical societies, and community organizations. Antonucci is also a regular lecturer at the Tahoe Environmental Research Center. His presentation on Fairest Picture includes rich supplemental graphics, such as photos, maps, video clips and diagrams, and is suitable for general audiences, with the book available for sale and signed by the author.
“Antonucci’s book makes you feel as if you are sitting on a rock next to Mark Twain, as he gazes out on Lake Tahoe. He is a thorough researcher and a very capable author,” said the park’s events manager, Kim Harris.
The park is located at 1450 Hwy 88, ¼ mile north of the Carson Valley Veterinary Hospital. This is an outdoor event, and visitors should bring their own seating. Dogs are not permitted at this event. For more information, visit dangberghomeranch.org.
The final speaker of the season is author Melba J. Ray-Leal who will give a presentation on her book Women and the Pony Express, on August 19. The park’s full 2017 event schedule is available at the park’s website.
Dangberg Home Ranch Historic Park
1450 Hwy 88, Minden, NV 89423
United States
38° 56' 28.2588" N, 119° 46' 46.3872" W
See map: Google Maps
- 2017
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- campfire
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- samuel clemens
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- tahoe environmental research center
- Treats
- Twain
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- Wildfire
- women