Letter: Nick Exline for STPUD Board

Dear South Lake Tahoe Community,

I first met Nick Exline at an event where we had the opportunity to meet Democratic congressional candidate Dr. Bob Derlet. Nick asked about carbon markets and the related benefits to our Sierra Nevada economy. As a watershed scientist, I was impressed by Nick’s informed and thoughtful question. I enjoyed meeting a South Lake Tahoe resident who possessed a strong background in environmental science, as well as a thoughtful man who had ideas about how we could turn our largest obstacles in this region into economic successes for our residents.

I continued to get to know Nick through volunteering with the Tahoe chapter of the Citizen’s Climate Lobby, which Nick personally helped start as a foundational member, and he and I frequently crossed paths with many local environmental and community efforts. I serve South Lake Tahoe as one of the appointed District 5 representatives in the El Dorado County Democratic Central Committee, and when I noticed that Nick had entered the race for South Tahoe Public Utility District (STPUD) Board, I encouraged him to reach out to our group to consider vetting him for candidacy. Endorsements for Nick are accumulating, starting with the endorsement of the El Dorado County Democratic Central Committee, and continuing with many other impressive local endorsements, such as that of the Lake Tahoe Democratic Club as well as iconic congressional candidate Bob Derlet, who looks forward to coordinating efforts with Nick in promoting our region once elected.

Nick Exline believes in prosperity for our community despite our alarming current water and forest management crises, and is guided by climate change initiatives as “his guiding light and north star”. Nick’s STPUD policy and platform includes utilizing renewable energies to keep water and sewer rates stable. His plan to advance renewable energy programs will shift our region from a fossil fuel economy to renewable initiatives which will actually benefit our local economy. I implore all of you to email (exline555@gmail.com) or reach out to Nick through his Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/NicholasExlineNov8/).

I personally endorse Nick Exline for STPUD board, and I look forward to his influence on our already hard-working and passionate STPUD Board to improve both our lives and ecological practices in South Lake Tahoe.

Do not forget to vote or submit your mail-in ballots! Please contact Lake Tahoe Democrats with any questions about voting (laketahoedems@gmail.com)

Kate Gladstein

San Francisco Avenue resident
District 5, El Dorado County Central Committee


South Lake Tahoe
San Francisco Avenue
United States
33° 47' 43.1376" N, 118° 12' 12.6432" W