South Shore Lake Tahoe casinos hit big during November

November figures for South Shore Lake Tahoe casinos show the largest spike statewide in earnings or "win" at 26.63 percent over November 2011 profits, according to the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

South Lake Tahoe casinos took in $17,734,866 in November 2012 compared to $14,005,506 in 2011.

Nevada’s nonrestricted gaming licensees reported a total “gaming win” of $782,626,620 for the month of November 2012. This amounts to an 11.08 percent decrease compared to November 2011, when licensees reported a gaming win of $880,127,660. For the fiscal year (July 1, 2012 through November 30, 2012), Nevada gaming win has increased 1.51 percent.

Outside of South Shore, North Lake Tahoe area casinos saw a 7.21 increase in November over 2011 figures and Carson Valley area casinos saw a decline of 3.47 percent.
See the full gaming figure structure below.