Shriners Sponsor Screening Clinic at Lake Tahoe Surgery Center

Local orthopedic physicians will screen children for possible acceptance into the medical programs offered by Shriners Hospital for Children Northern California at a screening clinic sponsored by the Kerak Shriners on Saturday, March 31. The screening clinic will take place from 9 a.m. - noon, at the Lake Tahoe Surgery Center, 212 Elks Point Rd, Suite 201, Round Hill Plaza, Zephyr Cove.
All families who feel they may benefit from the expert care provided by Shriners Hospitals for Children are welcome to attend. Appointments are not necessary, and any child up to age 18 may be seen at a clinic. Screenings are provided free of charge. A parent or legal guardian is required to complete a screening forms before being seen by the doctor. Required forms are provided at all screening clinics.
Screening clinics are organized by Shrine clubs throughout Northern Nevada so that prospective patients can be seen by healthcare professionals in a location easily accessible to them. Volunteer medical personnel staffing the clinics examine prospective patients to determine whether or not they might be eligible for care provided by Shriners Hospitals.

"As Shriners we are committed to providing opportunities for children and families to benefit from the expert medical care provided by Shriners Hospitals," says Bob Pohlman, chairman of the Hospital Screening Clinic. "Hundreds of children are referred to Shriners Hospitals for care through screening clinics each year, and we are extremely grateful to the doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals who so generously donate their time and partner with us in supporting the Shriners mission." says Pohlman.
The clinics are open to all children with orthopedic conditions, spinal cord injuries, burns, and scars from any cause. Club foot, scoliosis, absence of limbs, spina bifida, and orthopedic problems of cerebral palsy are among the many orthopedic conditions treated at the Shriners state-of-the-art medical center in Sacramento. The Sacramento Shriners Hospital also provides acute care and rehabilitation to children with burns and spinal cord injuries. Through its specialized plastic surgery program, Shriners Hospital cares for children with birthmarks, congenital ear deformities and scars from any cause.
Screening Clinics are not the only route for acceptance to Shriners Hospitals. Patients are referred by their doctors, nurses, friends, and Shriners.