South Lake Tahoe city staff enforcing sign ordinance to "Fix-up 50"

The City of South Lake Tahoe is enforcing their sign ordinance in an effort to improve appearances along Highway 50.

Staff is going to focus attention on excessive and unpermitted signage.

Most signs in the City require a permit with specific limitations on sign size and design. Businesses with a permitted sign do not need to do anything. Businesses with unpermitted signs should contact the City’s Planning Division to determine if their signs require a permit or not.

Examples of unpermitted signs typically include signs added to the sides of buildings, sandwich boards displayed during times when they are not allowed, temporary signs, and various miscellaneous signs on buildings may not be permitted.

April 1-12 Code Enforcement Officers and Planning Officials to confirm/document all unpermitted signs.

April 13-24 Code Enforcement Officers will visit all businesses which have non-compliant signs. Notice will be given to remove signs within 2 weeks.

April 27-May 11 Code Enforcement staff will issue citations to violators who have not acted upon the warning. Further, they will remove all signs which were not removed voluntarily to retain as evidence of the violation.

More information on signage is available on the City’s website, under City Cde Chapter 6.40. Business owners can also contact the City Planning Department for information about getting a permit at (530) 542-6010.