Douglas County Manager Larry Werner asks to be released from contract

Douglas County Manager Larry Werner has requested to be released from his contract giving a 60 day notice effective August 31, 2018.

“The time I have spent working for Douglas County has been challenging but rewarding,” said Larry. “I know that it is time for me to pursue retirement and family, but I will miss working with the great people in this community in this capacity.”

Discussion of Larry’s resignation and a plan for the future of the position will be held at the July 5, 2018 Board of County Commissioners meeting and has been placed on the meeting agenda.

“Larry Werner has been an asset to our organization and has seen us through some very difficult times,” said Steve Thaler, Board of County Commissioners Chairman. “We will miss his depth of knowledge, experience and dedication to public service. As a board, we hope to hold a discussion about the process in seeking a replacement for the County Manger position.”

Since 2014 Larry has dedicated a combination of 3 years of service to Douglas County. Larry was asked to take the reins as County Manager in February of 2016 and his contract was extended by the Board of County commissioners in September of 2017. Previously, Larry served as Interim County Manager to replace Douglas County Manager Steve Mokrohisky in spring 2014.

Prior to serving as the Douglas County Manager, Larry Werner served as the Carson City Manager for five years and was instrumental in developing several regional partnerships between Douglas County and Carson City, including public and environmental health, street light maintenance, regional water services and Geographic Information Services. Prior to serving as Carson City Manager, Werner served as Development Services Director/City Engineer for Carson City, as well as a Principal Engineer for Lumos and Associates, in Minden, NV. Larry also served as Douglas County public works director from Sept. 21, 1992, to May 7, 1993.