Digital Books a Big Success at South Lake Tahoe Library

A little more than a year ago the El Dorado County Library added a new digital library service to its collection. With this service library patrons have access to thousands of books that are available for download 24/7. In the past year El Dorado County patrons have downloaded over 8600 books using this service. And it is completely free.

To check out eBooks (electronic books) or downloadable audiobooks users need a valid library card, a compatible digital device, and an Internet connection. Popular devices include computers, laptops, tablets, iPads, Amazon Kindles, Barnes & Noble Nooks and most smart phones. A complete list of compatible devices can be accessed here. Downloaded books can be enjoyed immediately and the books expire automatically - there are no late fees.

You can check out up to three eBooks at one time and may opt to borrow each for 7 or 14 days. Patrons can also place up to three holds/reserves on items not currently available (because other patrons have borrowed them). Patrons are notified by email when their holds become available. Content is available for all age groups

You can access ebooks and downloadable audio books via our web site, For more information or assistance, visit the South Lake Tahoe Branch of the El Dorado County Library at 1000 Rufus Allen Blvd or call 530-573-3185.