Tahoe Rising to focus on the region's economic picture, recovery and resiliency

The Tahoe Rising Summit is going to bring together leaders, educators, business owners, and community members to learn and take action over three days. Attendees of the three events will discuss challenges facing Lake Tahoe in this current pandemic from economic, community, and environmental perspectives.

Tahoe Rising’s objective is to catalyze change and take action for the benefit of our regional community and economy.

September 30: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Tahoe’s Economic Picture​

An economic picture of Tahoe's regional economy pre and post COVID-19. A review of this economic impact analysis and forecast and what it means for Tahoe's communities now and in the future. Keynote Speaker Chris Thornberg, CE.O of Beacon Economics

October 14: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Tahoe’s Economic Recovery

How can you Recession Proof/COVID-19 Proof your business and community? How to take advantage of remote workers. How to pivot your business in the post COVID-19 economy. Keynote Speaker Manny Lamarre, Senior Program Associate of WestEd.

October 28: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Tahoe’s Economic Resiliency

What's in the best interest for Tahoe in the long-term? How can we transform our economy sustainably and equitably? What can we learn from other communities that have transitioned successfully? Keynote Speaker Bruce Katz, Co-Founder of New Localism.

Keynote speakers will share their wisdom from around the country. Panel sessions with those experts combined with local Tahoe leaders enhance these conversations. Collaborative and interactive group sessions will follow and provide an opportunity to share solutions that we can implement locally to improve our region.

Lake Tahoe may be made up of many communities, but we are one lake and one regional economy, so what affects some of us, affects all of us.

Tickets are $20 per session if purchased during early-bird pricing, $25 if during regular prices. For tickets visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tahoe-rising-summit-tickets-112012089174?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch.