TRPA launches online system for grading exception requests

The five month long grading season in Lake Tahoe ends on October 15 and the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) has made it easier for builders to request an extension.

TRPA now has an online system to handle the requests in order to improve customer service and eliminate the need to people to drive to their office.

Grading season for construction projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin extends from May 1 to October 15. Soil disturbance during wet conditions can harm the lake’s water quality. Outside of the grading season, soil disturbance activities generally require an exception.

The online application for grading exception requests includes a credit card payment system. It can be accessed at

The initiative streamlines processes for customers and improves response time by TRPA inspectors.

Previously, grading exception forms had to be downloaded from the TRPA website and then submitted by mail or in person at the TRPA front counter. This new online system ensures customer contact by an inspector within three business days and automatic emails will keep applicants informed of the status of their request.

TRPA also launched an online system for tree removal permits in May that has seen significant use. From July to September, TRPA received 164 tree removal permit applications and about 40 percent were entered online.