Kudos: Bread & Broth thanks Riva Grill

Every Monday at St. Theresa Church’s Grace Hall, the Bread & Broth cooks use their well honed culinary skills to prepare nutritious and tasty meals enjoyed by our very grateful dinner guests. These wonderful meals are made possible by the funding provided by B&B’s “Adopt A Day of Nourishment (AAD)” sponsors. On September 21, 2015, the hosting AAD sponsor was Riva Grill on the Lake. In addition to donating $250, Riva Gill sent a sponsor crew who brought their dining skills to provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the evening’s guests.

“We had such a great time, it’s so good helping others,” said Riva Grill server Antoine Eshak. Fellow Riva Grill volunteers were servers Cesar Sentillan and Maura Jones and bartenders Melissa Gibson-Taylor and April Vogt. The Riva Grill crew was great and paid the Bread & Broth (B & B)cooks a big compliment. “The food was as good as Riva’s, our chefs should come here to take some lessons,” added Antoine. Based on the number of seconds served, the dinner guests agreed.

As with each dinner served by B&B for those in need, the collaboration between AAD sponsors and B&B volunteers is what makes the meals so successful. B&B would like to thank Riva Grill on the Lake for the funding and help they provided at their sponsorship dinner. In addition, B&B would like to acknowledge the wonderful setting and delicious appetizers and drinks that the Riva Grill provides for the Tahoe Chamber’s BAHM for Charity held in February. B&B has been a grateful recipient of proceeds from this fun and charitable event.

For B&B information, please contact Carol at (530) 542-2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

– Bread & Broth