The View at 6229.1': #BeKindSLT

I’ve had this article in my head for months, bouncing around the walls of my brain, trying to decide where to go with it. There is an epidemic continuing to spread in this country. One that is curable without a vaccine, without drugs, without changing one’s diet. It’s called a Lack of Kindness.

Locals and tourists alike can feel it in South Lake Tahoe, as if a cloud of hate has descended over the lake. Pleasantries seem to be a forgotten art, as has simple kindness like holding a door open for another, or letting a car back out of a parking space, or a simple smile to a stranger.

When I trained staff I would guide them on choosing kindness over any other behavior while at work. I’d suggest they park their bad mood at the front door, and while inside it isn’t part of them, then if they choose to pick it up as they leave, that was their choice.

From the Office of the President to Small Town, USA, it has become okay to be mean. Commonplace are mean tweets and Facebook posts where people can say what they wouldn’t normally say to someone’s face, a place where they feel there are no consequences. Think of the corner bar or coffee shop, would those who continually post mean comments dare say the same things to the people on the corner? I think not.

There are bullies everywhere, on our streets hiding behind their steering wheels, local government observers who criticize in writing, sharing their point of view and if anyone dare have a differing opinion, watch out.

And its not just politics.

It is great we live in a place where everyone can think for themselves and have a voice, but why must this voice be mean? Does it mean that those who have a differing view are the enemy?

The art of communication is a fading attribute, with electronic devices being the vehicle and not our voices. It appears easy for people to instantly reply to a post they see on social media without thinking of the consequences, without thinking of the person(s) involved.

I learned during the 2016 election to just try and move on when I saw a post on Facebook about the other political party. Previously I would stop by and leave a comment, stating my views, not understanding why the person posting it didn't see the truth. I found this to be wrong and just move on when I see something I disagree with.

"I won an argument on Facebook," said no one ever.

Its just not on social media either. The news has been full of racist individuals in coffee shops and restaurants, yelling their views to those who will listen. In most cases, the rants have gone viral as they were taped. Wouldn't it be great if what goes viral were acts of kindness, instead of items that fuel the fires?

I grew up knowing the Golden Rule, the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated. The concept appears in many religions and cultures, but what I learned was from Matthew 7:12 in the bible: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Another “rule” of life came from my years as a Rotarian and their 4-Way Test:
Of the things we think, say or do"

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

One doesn’t have to be a Rotarian to apply these four simple rules to their life.

What gets overlooked with so much unkindness is all the goodness in a community. The poor are being fed, the children are getting boosts on literacy with free books, there are groups putting tens of thousands of dollars back into programs, the Angel of Tahoe who continues to give away tens of millions of dollars and the list goes on.

Wouldn’t it be great if kindness was commonplace? Random acts of kindness were just everyday behaviors? If meanness became obsolete?

People work together to feed the hunger, clothe the unclothed, fight climate change, volunteer to help others. Everyone has the capability within themselves to create a change. Just one small change can change the community.

Wouldn’t it be great if the South Shore were to be the center of a new epidemic – Kindness?


Let's all work together to make South Lake Tahoe the kindest community in the world, and use this hashtag until it wears out: #BeKindSLT. We got this!