Volunteers Remove 2,260 Pounds of Trash From Six Lake Tahoe Beaches

Thousands flocked to Lake Tahoe beaches for the 4th of July and left behind thousands of pounds of trash. Several groups have been participating in the Adopt a Beach cleanup program that is getting volunteers out to clean up the mess, both trash and fireworks debris.

The League to Save Lake Tahoe had over 120 volunteers participate in their annual Keep Tahoe Red, White & Blue Beach Cleanup. They cleaned at Commons Beach in Tahoe City, Nevada Beach and Zephyr Shoals on the East Shore, and Kiva, Regan and El Dorado beaches on the South Shore for a total of about 3 miles of shoreline.

The volunteers on those six beaches removed almost 10 cubic yards, or a dump truck full, of trash. It included over 3,000 cigarette butts, 1,200 cans, 800 glass and plastic bottles, and 320 plastic bags.

“Tahoe’s beaches were choked with trash. We’re so inspired by the volunteers who came out on their holiday weekend to help,” said Community Engagement Manager Marilee Movius. “When we celebrate July 4th, part of what we’re celebrating is our beautiful country and our pristine lake. The enthusiasm for the lake was contagious the morning after the festivities. As the volunteer crews swept down the beaches, other beachgoers couldn’t resist joining in.”

“The beaches that were cleaned represent less than 5 percent of Tahoe’s total shoreline, so we know a lot more needs to be done,” said Jesse Patterson, the League’s deputy director. “We hope to spread the message that we all have to pack out what we pack in. As we engage more of the Tahoe community in this important issue, we’re hoping that beach cleanups one day won’t be necessary.”

The 120 volunteers came from local communities to Reno, Sacramento, the Bay Area and Southern California.

The League would like to thank the following businesses for sponsoring a cleanup site by providing refreshments and support to the volunteers: The Ridge Tahoe, Lake of the Sky Outfitters, The North Face, Grass Roots Natural Foods, SUP Tahoe, and Willard’s Sport Shop.

To learn about future volunteer opportunities for the League, please visit keeptahoeblue.org/news/events/.