Kudos: Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless thanks community for successful Tahoe Beach Bash

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. – Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless is proud to announce that the Tahoe Beach Bash was a huge success! We would like to extend a special thank you to The Beach Retreat and Lodge at Tahoe for their generosity in allowing us to host the Tahoe Beach Bash in their incredible lake-front outdoor space. The turnout for this event surpassed our expectations and we were able to raise much-needed funds to help us run our programs including the operation of the Warm Room and other outreach services on the South Shore.

Mike Thicke, this year’s winner of the homebrew competition had this to say about his win. “This was my 4th year at this competition, the second year I tied in People’s Choice, last year I won Brewers Choice and this year I won Brewer’s and People’s Choice. Truly shocking. The venue for this event is one of a kind. It’s pretty cool to pour beer I made in my garage for awesome people with Lake Tahoe in the background. I’m not sure there could be a better back-drop. I have and will always donate any skills I have as a homebrewer to any cause/competition in the area. Getting out and pouring my beer is a great feeling. I get to interact and talk beer with people who truly have an interest, and at the same time, help a great cause.”

“This was the most successful fundraiser we’ve ever held. Kudos to Tiffany Hetherton Grimes, Lynne McQuitty and all of our volunteers, who made this such a great day,” said Marissa Muscat, Executive Director of The Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless.

If you would like to learn more about how you can partner with or donate to the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless, please email info@tahoehomeless.org with any questions or call 530-600-2822.

- Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless

Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless is a California nonprofit formed by local residents working together to end homelessness on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe. The Beach Bash is our biggest fundraiser for the year. All proceeds go toward the operation of the Warm Room and our other programs which help to encourage self-sufficiency to end homelessness on the South Shore.