Tahoe Talk: The Geeks are in Charge!

Our transportation systems are entering a period of accelerated change unlike anything we've seen since the invention of the internal combustion engine more than a century ago. We are in the early stages of a sweeping transformation in how we travel that is driven by the ongoing convergence of transportation and information technologies.

This webinar will examine the emerging technologies - from autonomous cars and trucks, to app-based for-hire transportation, to smart bikes, to GPS-based performance monitoring systems - and their implications for state and local government policies and programs. How much will carshare companies affect car ownership? Will Uber and Lyft flood our streets with for-hire cars? How will the development of autonomous trucks affect the competitive balance between truck and rail freight? How will these innovations impact state and local infrastructure programs? The answers may surprise you.

Date: Wednesday, August 19, 2015.

Time: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm *****NOTE DIFFERENT TIME THAN USUAL*****
Location: Aspen Room, Lake Tahoe Community College, One College Drive, So. Lake Tahoe.

Format: Webinar with discussion afterwards.

Bring a bag lunch or enjoy snacks provided.

Mark your calendars for our September Tahoe Talk: Do-It-Yourself Bike to School Week/Bijou Bike Park Tour, Wednesday, September 16th, noon - 1:30 pm. Start location to be announced.