Learn what it takes to be a Fire Adapted Community during South Lake Tahoe field trip

Event Date: 
November 5, 2016 - 10:00am

Learn how forest health and fuels management activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin create effective community protection from wildfire during a free tour on Saturday, November 5 in South Lake Tahoe from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

Those attending will get an in-depth perspective of forest management and what it means to reside within a Fire Adapted Community.

The Tahoe Resource Conservation District in partnership with local fire districts, and other agencies has established the Tahoe Network of Fire Adapted Communities program to educate people on wildfire preparedness.

The tour will focus on forest health and fuels management activities in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and specifically how these strategies seek to create effective community protection from wildfire, which is one of the five components that creates a Fire Adapted Community.

Participants will have the opportunity to get hands on experience with comparing and measuring forest stands, gain access to information regarding fire defensible space, and learn about all five components.

The field tour will be conducted at 1534 Bel Aire Circle, South Lake Tahoe, weather permitting. Attendants are advised to wear sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing, as all activities will take place on undeveloped public properties.

Interested individuals are encouraged to RSVP with Marybeth Donahoe by sending an email to mdonahoe@tahoercd.org by Wednesday, November 3, 2016.

Funding for this field tour has been provided by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network, California Tahoe Conservancy, CALFIRE, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District and Lake Valley Fire Protection District.