Whittell High's girls soccer team goes for state title on Saturday

The Lady Warriors of Whittell High School played the first round of the State Soccer Championships just as they had the regular season, with dominance.

With a league leading record of 14-0 (and overall 17-1), the Whittell girls breezed into the final game by beating White Pine 5-0.

In the other playoff game at Whittell on Friday, Incline High beat North Tahoe with a score of 5 to 4.

The Warriors girls team will play Incline at noon on Saturday at Whittell High.

The Whittell team is made up of seniors Gisselle Benitez, Michael Gardner, Corinne Novotney, Sabrina Trachsel, Lauren George, Mikayla Warner; juniors Chelsea Aguirre-Rodriguez, Kenya Maltase, Daria Sharon, Kate Krolicki; sophomores Ali Copsy, Gigi Stetler, Sammy Forvilly, Madison Iso and freshmen Kallie Nelson, Taimani Hussey and Gaby Trachsel. The coach is Patrick Kelly.