Warming room soon a reality for South Lake Tahoe's homeless

The details haven't been worked out as of yet but South Lake Tahoe is going to have a warming room to keep those without a home warm during winter according to the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless.

A lease has been signed for 981 Silver Dollar, the former offices for the El Dorado County Mental Health Department.

During Monday's City Council meeting, coalition board members Nicole Zaborsky and Scott Weavil said it was a long search for a property that would best serve the community in keeping the homeless warm during freezing winter nights in South Lake Tahoe.

It is expected that their new space will provide overnight shelter to 20 people until April with an option to extend the lease should night still be cold at that time. The building where the Warming Room will be offered is for sale, so there is always a chance the coalition will have to find a new home before winter is over.

A board meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 8, so once exact details have been worked out, more information will be released.

There will be an upcoming volunteer training, which will be announced on South Tahoe Now.

For more information, visit their facebook page. There they will list what supplies and other things they'll need donated.