High energy at SnowGlobe in South Lake Tahoe

There is so much more to SnowGlobe that the beat of the bass heard echoing through the trees in your neighborhood. It is much more than a very large group of young people turning out for a techno concert outdoors.

It is an experience.

I am a member of the "over 50" crowd so the music featured at SnowGlobe is not something I know much about so I went into SnowGlobe to see what it's all about.

The 14,000 people inside the venue at the Lake Tahoe Community College were happy, jumping up and down to the beat, eating, drinking, resting in the sleeping bags suspended from the trees, warming up at one of several fire areas, hanging out with friends, shopping, going from music tent to music tent and enjoying themselves.

There were several food stands lining the newly redesigned "food court" area of SnowGlobe along with a large beer tent, clothing tents and plenty of ATMs to ensure nobody runs out of money.

With the temperatures in the low teens and a wind chill factor on the other side of the 0, many concert goers were huddled by several heat sources in the arena. Most people appeared to be properly dressed for the elements

While I didn't know the musicians or the music playing, I did appreciate the fact that the crowd was well behaved and not out of control, something the crowds at Stateline during the New Year's Eve celebrations could learn from.

The last day of SnowGlobe will be New Year's Eve when 20 acts hit the stages between 2:30 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.

Just by looking around the show one can appreciate the time, work and planning that goes into SnowGlobe. After Wednesday the truck loads of tents, fences wires, speakers, lights, signage and much more will be packed up, the clean up will be done and the concert attendees will be back at school or work.

Perhaps they'll start planning their next SnowGlobe and South Lake Tahoe visit right away.