Kudos: Bread and Broth thanks Moose Lodge

“On behalf of the SLT Moose Lodge #1632 and Women of the Moose, Chapter 408, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the volunteers who coordinate the Bread & Broth dinners,” wrote Women of the Moose member Angie Keil. “It is a pleasure to have been a part of these efforts in helping our brothers and sister in the community.”

Angie and fellow Moose members Kim Blanck, Scott Blumenthal (SLT Moose Lodge Governor), Christi Olmstead and Dana Tucker donated three hours of their personal time to represent their Moose Lodge members at the organization’s March 20th Adopt A Day of Nourishment sponsorship. B&B volunteers welcomed the incredible service that the Moose Lodge members provided with the dinner’s setup, serving and cleanup.

But service is nothing new to Moose Lodge members who regularly commit to helping others in the community. This non-profit, fraternal organization enjoys bringing members together at their local lodge headquarters for social gatherings and sharing their commitment to helping their community. Thank you to the SLT Moose Lodge and Women of the Moose for being a wonderful example helping others.

For more B&B information, visit www.breadandbroth.org or join us on Facebook.

-Bread & Broth