You Matter, I Will Listen

Life isn't always easy and sometimes people just need someone to talk to. Everyone can benefit from some sort of support and it can be as simple as a cup of tea with a friend, a walk around the block or a conversation.

The "You Matter, I Sill Listen" campaign was started last year by Sabrina Owen, manager of El Dorado County Mental Health programs in South Lake Tahoe, to help people be that needed a little support.

"While the campaign is not specific to Mental Health Awareness Month it serves as a good reminder to help each of us take care of each other," Owen told the South Lake Tahoe City Council on Tuesday.

Wearing the bright green bracelet with the words "You Matter, I Sill Listen" on them conveys the intention that one is willing to be the support someone else needs. Some people have trouble reaching out, and the bracelet lets others know they can reach out to.

The bracelets come with simple instructions on how to be supportive and no special training is required:
1) Listen.
2) Be Present - put away your cell phone, turn off the TV.
3) Reflect back that you hear what they are saying. "Sounds ike you are worried about....(grades, relationship, job)."
4) Normalize the experience, "Most people dealing with these stressors would find it difficult."
5) Ask what you can do to help.
6) Avoid giving advice unless they request it.

If the person needs more help than you are prepared to give, help them get access to professional resources:
Crisis Text line - 741741
EDC SLT Crisis Line - 530.544.2219
Veterans Crisis (Power of One) - 1.800.273.8255 or Text 838255
Friendship Line (For the elderly) - 1.800.971.0016
Trevor Project (For LBGTQ youth) - 1.866.488.7386
Suicide Prevention - 1.800.273.8255
NAMI (In SLT for families/friends of those with mental health issues) - 1.650.740.5776.
Alcoholic Anonymous - 530.541.1243
Narcotics Anonymous - 1.866.721.7862

The green bracelets are available at Alpina Cafe, the SLT Library, Keys Cafe, El Dorado County Mental Health in SLT and various other locations. Owen said she is on her third shipment of 600 of the popular bracelets.

Owen explained the bracelets as watching over one's circle, but that each person's circle of friends/coworkers/family may not overlap and the more people who are willing to watch over their circle of influence, the higher chance nobody will be left out.

"I'd love to see all of Lake Tahoe wear these bracelets," said Owen. She is even sending them to friends in other countries so what started in South Lake Tahoe could soon be a global campaign of caring.

If having trouble finding a green bracelet, contact Owen at (530) 573-7970. They are located at 1900 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe.