Tahoe Bike Challenge kicks off with party and historical bike ride

The 11th annual Lake Tahoe Bike Challenge was officially kicked off with a ceremony at Lakeview Commons Wednesday afternoon. A small crowd gathered for what was the second kick-off party which culminated in a group bike ride.

Proclamations were read by both El Dorado County Supervisor Sue Novasel and South Lake Tahoe Mayor Pro Tem Austin Sass, both celebrating alternative modes of transportation on the South Shore.

The more bikeable communities are created, the better we all are stated the City's proclamation. When biking, gas is saved, calories are burned, and carbon emissions are eliminated.

El Dorado County declared June as Bike Month and the City has set aside June 1 to 14 every year as the Tahoe Bike Challenge.

"There is no better place to bike than Lake Tahoe," said Tahoe Bicycle Coalition President Chris Carney.

The Lake Tahoe Historical Society was on hand at the kick off to lead the cyclists on a tour of the nine recently installed historical markers in the Al Tahoe neighborhood. Free maps are available at the museum.