Kudos: Bread and Broth thanks Sunbeam Blind Company

Sunbeam Blind Company owners, Kurt and Laura Rasmussen, are not new to volunteering at Bread & Broth’s dinner on Monday evening at St. Theresa Grace Hall.

They’ve volunteered their time as sponsor crew members when the Lake Tahoe Windjammers Club has hosted Adopt-A-Days in the summer. However, on Monday, October 3, Kurt and Laura’s Sunbeam Blind Company sponsored its first AAD. According to Gail Clair, the B&B Adopt-A-Day Coordinator, Kurt, Laura and their fellow crew member Brendan Lockamy were “Awesome, so nice, fun and helpful!”

“We enjoyed working with the amazing B&B crew to serve the many hungry people that came today to enjoy a nutritious meal,” said Laura. Unfortunately, many of our community members are food insecure and the meals provided by Bread & Broth and funded by the AAD sponsors are often the only hot meals that they are able to enjoy throughout the week.

Generous donors like Sunbeam Blind Company not only ease hunger but through their sponsorship they are also helping to provide a safe, secure place for the dinner guests to visit, socialize and experience a sense of community where they are treated with kindness and dignity. Through their monetary donation and giving their personal time and energy, Kurt and Laura partnered with B&B to help make a lot of people’s day a lot better.

The $250 donations provided by the AAD sponsors not only feeds the dinner guests but provides them with a safe and secure place to eat.

“We’ll be back!” said Laura.

For more B&B information, contact Carol at (530) 542-2876 or carolsgerard@aol.com.

- “Bread & Broth”