Letter: Long time local endorses Nancy Dalton for LTCC Board

To the voters of South Lake Tahoe,

I am writing this letter in support of Nancy Dalton’s candidacy for the lake Tahoe Community College Board of Trustees. I heartily endorse Nancy for this position. Nancy’s commitment to education and our community in general is exemplary.

I have known Nancy Dalton for over 25 years. In that time I have seen her give of her time and expertise to our community in so many ways. From teaching our children to setting an example of a life of service, she always carries herself with honor and integrity.

When I first met Nancy and learned she was a graduate of Mills College, I said this is a woman to watch, she is going to accomplish things. Graduates of Mills are self-assured women that get things done and Nancy is no exception. Nancy’s record at South Tahoe High School demonstrates these attributes. As teacher, coach, advisor and department chair she has brought credit to herself and the organizations she has served.

The College Board is an important group in our community and needs people like Nancy to serve. I urge all citizens to vote for Nancy Dalton to serve our interests on the College Board.

Thomas A. Goldenberg M.D.
31 yr resident of South Lake Tahoe