Level Up your leadership skills with Tahoe Chamber’s new workshop series

Event Date: 
March 23, 2016 - 2:00pm

Tahoe Chamber is kicking off its new workshop series “Level Up” on March 23, 2016 with Alexis Robin, an Executive Coach teaching an interactive leadership workshop, Step Up and Lead: Skills to Succeed in Business, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Tahoe Chamber Conference Room.

“We have been hearing from individuals, businesses and managers that there is a need and desire for short workshops where attendees will enhance their skill set with tools they can immediately take back to their place of employment or business” states Chamber CEO, “B” Gorman. “This workshop is the first in a series we will present this year and we are thrilled it will be led by Alexis Robin.”

Alexis Robin is the Co-Founder of p.Link Coaching Center for Excellence and spends time developing leaders and organizations across the country. She is an author, a radio host and has spent 18 years working inside organizations as a leader herself. Clients say her workshops are fun, motivating and give them concrete ideas to implement the learning immediately.

The workshop will focus on the leadership competencies individuals need to move from staff to leader, lead their own business or level up their performance within their existing leadership role. Topics will include competencies of highly effective leaders, managing expectations, and leadership styles for difference situations. Attendees are encouraged to bring their personal leadership challenges to the workshop as time will also be allocated to work through real life leadership situations.

This workshop is perfect for employees who are looking at future promotions, recently promoted to leadership positions in their organizations, or anyone who wants to add leadership training to their resume.

Cost of the workshop is $20 for Chamber members and $40 for non-members.
To learn more and register go to TahoeChamber.org or call 775-588-1728.